Merasmus' Bad Day

So I was watching the "Meet the Team" series on the Team Fortress 2 webiste, when I stumbled across a hidden video they had on the Meet the Sandvich video... the video was called Merasmus' Bad Day.
I started watching to see what it was.
So it started with Merasmus sleeping, but he is quickly woken up by rocket launching sounds coming from outside, Merasmus gets out of his bed, goes outside, and notices Soldier firing rockets into the sky randomly.
"Solider, what are you doing?" he asks... Soldier then twists his head completely backwards, and grins creepily.
Meramus yells.
Soldier then laughs manically.
Merasmus starts running, but Soldier catches up with him, and throws him to the ground.
He then pulls out a knife and begins to dismeber Merasmus, and Meramus screams in agony.
Soldier then starts torturing Merasmus further by emasculating him, followed by pulling out his eyes, and disembowelling him.
Soldier then finishes Merasmus off by cutting off his head.
I quickly shut off my computer, and smashed it with a hammer 'till it was nothing but pieces.
I then vowed to never play Team Fortress 2 ever again!
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